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We are a Holistic Center where you will find different healing techniques. Some times we combine 2 or 3 techniques in one treatment according to what you need. Our mision is to heal you, to help you to live a quality life.
We know that when we help you the universe helps us, when we heal you we are healing ourself !!!
20% Off in all our services if you mention our website

- 1st time treatment + consultation
1 hora - $105
- Follow up treatments
50 min - $80

- 1st time session +consultation.
1.5 / 2 hrs - $ 175
- Follow ups sessions
1 / 1.5 hrs - $140
(Available also via Skype)

Reiki + Crystal Quartz
50 Min - $75
(Also distance Healing)

Chinese Medicine Consultation
30 Min - $40
Diagnosis. Recomendations on life style, diet and Chinese Herbs according to the diagnosis
(Available also via Skype)

Bach Flowers Consultation
30 Min - $35
(plus $12 with the remedy)

Homeopathic Remedies
Injection - $65
Oral - $ 50
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